Invitees must be able to :
- View and RSVP yes, maybe , no to private plans by their Matches or Facebook Friends on the app.
- View & RSVP yes, maybe or no to open plans nearby hosted by anyone ( no connection necessary )
- Change RSVP state.
- Comment on invites, delete own comments.
- See who is invited and all rsvp states of invitees
- Share and invite other friends if host has allowed ability.
- Add plans to personal calendar
- Emails and push notifications will be synced to plan times in addition to actions of host.
- Share off vina if allowed by host via download link & deep link.
Hosts must be able to :
- Change any information detail of plan ( what when where duration details capacity etc )
- Close RSVPS
- Cancel Plans
- Add to capacity or lower capacity ( limit to current RSVP count)
- List a custom location
- Limit shares and invites to invitees only or set to public
- Share + add to invite list
- Add plans to personal calendar
- Emails and push notifications will be synced to plan times in addition to actions of invitees
- Share off vina via download link & deep link.